Named for the famed high school choirs at Hattiesburg High School from years gone by, The Meistersingers continues the tradition of excellence as Hattiesburg’s community chorus. As a community-based arts organization, it depends on the generosity of individuals, institutions and businesses for its existence. Meistersingers receives very little government funding.
So, we need your help!

Corporate Sponsorships
starting at $1,000
What better way to associate your business with excellence and reach a key demographic than by supporting Meistersingers! We will take your business international when we travel to London, and we will reach a key group of Hattiesburg leaders, retirees and up-and-comers when we perform locally. Corporate gifts are a special blessing on the Meistersingers and if you are interested in this opportunity, contact our chief fundraiser, Robin Roberts at Roberts and Associates, Attorneys, 601-544-0950 or email vpfmeistersingers@gmail.com.

Dr. Keith McLarnan Endowment fund
Dr. Keith McLarnan was born in 1934 and passed away in 2020. Music had always been part of his life. His mother taught music and was an accomplished singer. Keith started singing in the children’s choir at Trinity Lutheran and continued through a successful career as a Pediatric Neurologist. Churches where he was practicing were always glad to have his tenor voice in their choir including Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Cleveland. In Hattiesburg he sang with USM Community Chorus, Westminster Church choir and Meistersingers. Singing didn’t stop until he was in his mid 70’s when Parkinson’s affected his voice. Keith supported Meistersingers over the years and this endowment is a way of continuing his support..